Parcheggio 1 facility
The Parking 1 Facility is a carpark next to the Charleroi Airport. It permits de go thanks to its shuttles to the Airport. The Parking welcomes you everyday between 4 am and midnight. It permits to park your vehicle with great serenity during your plane without preocupation about the parking. The carpark is secured thanks to a human presence and video vigilance all the day.
Access procedures:
Upon arrival, please go to the front desk with your printed booking voucher or your voucher on your smartphone. The car park manager will then validate your booking and you will be asked to pay the remaining parkings fees, as stated on your booking voucher. Then, a shuttle will take you from the car park to the terminal you have selected beforehand. For your return, please call the phone number present on your booking voucher after you gather your luggage, the shuttle will pick you up as agreed.
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